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Summer School 2024 Information Announced

empty school desk with stationary stack book
Mary Ann Mitchell

Summer School 2024 enrollment will begin at 8:00 a.m. on February 20, 2024, and end at 11:59 p.m. on March 20, 2024. Summer school enrollment must be completed in PowerSchool. 

Students will be enrolled on a first-come, first-serve basis by their completed enrollment date and time. More information with instructions for completing summer school enrollment will be released in early February. 

Summer school fees will be available for payment in the PowerSchool Parent Portal on Thursday, March 21, 2024. The cost for each course is listed in the course descriptions. Students receiving free and reduced lunch are exempt from summer school fees. 

Monday, June 10, 2024 – First Day for Session A 3-week classes and all 6-week classes 
Wednesday, June 19, 2024 – No School, Juneteenth Holiday 
Friday, July 28, 2024 – Last Day for Session A 3-week classes 
Monday, July 1 – Friday July 5, 2024 – No School, Independence Day 
Monday, July 8, 2024 – First Day for Session B 3-week classes 
Friday, July 26, 2024 – Last Day for Session B 3-week classes and all 6-Week Classes 

Six Week Course Options: (June 10 – July 26) 
7:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
World Geography
Medieval World History
Semester PE
Consumer Education

10:10 a.m. – 12:40 p.m. 
World Geography
Semester PE
Research & Analysis of Sports in Literature

7:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
Classroom Drivers Education*** 

8:35 a.m. – 10:05 a.m. 
Classroom Drivers Education*** 

***Students enrolled in Classroom Drivers Education must have at least 4.0 credits, and be 15 years old on or before July 26, 2024.*** 

Three Week Course Session A: (June 10 – June 28) |
7:30 a.m. – 12:40 p.m. 
Consumer Education 
US History – Semester 1 

Three Week Course Session B: (July 8 – July 26) 
7:30 a.m. – 12:40 p.m. 
Consumer Education 
US History – Semester 2 
World Geography 

Course Descriptions: 
Credit: 0.5 
Grade: 9, 10 
Cost: $200 

Civics is a one-semester required course designed to prepare students to be active participants in the democratic process. The government of the United States is compared to other forms of government. Students are required to pass tests on the US and Illinois Constitutions to meet graduation requirements. The Illinois and US Constitution tests are given as part of this course. 

Credit: 0.5 
Grade: 9, 10 
Cost: $200 

In this course, the five themes of geography (location, place, human/environment interaction, movement, and regions) are applied to regions around the world and across all continents. Emphasis is on physical and human geography and incorporates current issues and events. Through this course students will also have a better understanding of the increased globalization of the world. This course fulfills a graduation requirement. 

Credit: 0.25 
Grade: 10 
Cost: no cost 

If you have finished your freshman year, earned at least 4.0 credits, and will be age fifteen by July 26, you are eligible to take this class. A graduation requirement, Classroom Driver Education prepares the student to drive safely and skillfully operate a motor vehicle. A student must, according to state law, be in attendance a minimum of 30 classroom hours and maintain a passing grade to complete the requirement. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Credit: 0.5 
Grade: 10 
Cost: $200 

Health is a course required of all students at the sophomore level. The focus of this class is to provide information on health issues that would enable students to make healthy decisions based on their total well-being. A variety of topics will be covered, including CPR, responsible decision-making, weight management, mental and emotional wellbeing, stress management, substance abuse, violence prevention, sexuality, AIDS and other STD’s, and disease prevention 

Credit: 0.5 
Grade: 9, 10 
Cost: $200 

Physical Education at EHS is designed to enhance the student’s overall fitness and appreciation of physical activity. The focus of physical education classes is on cardiovascular endurance, increased strength, and improved flexibility as well as the development of skills in a wide range of activities. Classes will teach entry-level skills as well as lifetime fitness principles in a fun-filled, non-threatening environment. All students are expected to participate in class unless excused by a doctor. Grades are based on attendance, participation, skill, and written tests. 

Credit: 0.25 
Grade: 10 
Cost: $100 

This class includes a unit of CPR and various other Wellness Activities. The CPR unit is a graduation requirement and students may have the opportunity to be certified or re-certified in CPR. 

US HISTORY 1st semester and US History 2nd semester 
Credit: 0.5 (per course) 
Grade: 11, 12 
Cost: $200 (per course) 

First semester (A) and second semester (B) of United States History are required for junior level students and fulfill a graduation requirement. These courses (A and B) are recommended to be taken together and enable students to gain a better understanding of how the American society developed. 

Credit: 0.5 
Grade: 12 
Cost: $200 

This course is required for graduation and provides practical, usable knowledge from which the students can benefit as they move into the rigors and demands of independent adult living. Students will examine and research major buying decisions such as auto, housing, furniture, etc. Consumer Education provides training in insurance buying, credit buying, banking activities, investments, budgeting, and decision-making. 

Credit: 0.5 
Grade: 11, 12 
Cost: $200 

Research and Analysis of Sports in Literature/Literary Non-Fiction is a one-semester course composed of high- interest fiction and non-fiction, including novels, biographies, memoirs, poetry, and short pieces of literature and literary nonfiction. Literary works contain an emphasis in sport and competition. Writing experiences are linked to classic issues and themes, including fame, character, prejudice, and societal influence, and focus on the development of composition. A research paper is required, and all written work is subject to class presentation. 

Credit: 0.5 
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12 
Cost: $200 

Medieval World History traces the development of the Middle Ages civilizations, including Byzantium, Arabia, China, Japan, England, France, and the Americas. These include the fall of Rome through the Renaissance and the development of Feudalism through Monarchy. Each unit involves a review of major events, historical figures, geographical details, and cultural advances. The course includes discussions of economic, political, and cultural changes as well as an analysis and comparison of historical events.

  • EHS
  • Liberty
  • Lincoln