Student Services & Parking
Student Parking
The Edwardsville School District provides free bus transportation to every student who lives more than a mile and a half from school. However, some students prefer to use the privilege of driving to school. Students are allowed to park only on the designated student parking lots and with an issued parking permit. Also, students must submit the following in order to be eligible for a parking sticker and must abide by the following regulations:
- Student parking stickers must be displayed at all times.
- All student parking spaces will be assigned through a lottery in conjunction with the District 7 attendance policy. The lottery criteria are as follows:
- Seniors selected first; juniors, second; and sophomores, third.
- All fees and fines must be paid in full.
- Emergency forms must be completed, signed, and submitted.
- Copy of student’s driver’s license.
- Copy of insurance card.
- License plate number.
- Check for parking fee.
- Self-addressed, stamped envelope.
- Each student vehicle must have an EHS parking sticker affixed to the windshield on the driver’s side.
- If a parking sticker needs to be replaced, a new sticker will be issued for a fee.
- Student vehicles are to be parked in designated areas only.
- Students may purchase a parking sticker. The parking fee is nonrefundable.
- The speed limit is 5 MPH.
- Driving on District # 7 properties is a privilege that will only be extended to those students who are good EHS citizens. Driving privileges will be revoked for at least one (1) quarter for the reasons below.
- Suspension days from behavior referrals or attendance problems which total to seven (7). Students will have parking stickers confiscated and revoked after seven (7) days of suspension, after seven (7) attendance referrals, after a combination of suspension days and attendance referrals which total seven (7), or after a closed campus violation. Once a student’s sticker is confiscated as a consequence for suspensions, attendance referrals, or violating closed campus, the student’s parking space will be sold to a student on the waiting list. After 85 school days, students who have had stickers revoked may apply to be on the waiting list for parking sticker sales.
- Cited for reckless driving.
- Third time cited for failure to display sticker.
- Third time cited for loitering in cars or on parking lot.
- Students are not allowed to drive to the N.O. Nelson Complex for any reason. Students must ride the bus to the N.O. Nelson Complex .
- Seniors who graduate early or transfer are to turn in their parking stickers to their assistant principal on the last day of their attendance. Parking stickers will be reissued by the administration.
- Inappropriately parked vehicles or vehicles without an authorized parking sticker will be towed at the owner’s expense.
- Only students who are siblings or who reside in the same household may share a parking sticker. Drivers may not use the Sports Complex entrance or exit or parking lot in order to circumvent traffic in front of the high school. Any violation of this sort may result in school discipline.
Mary Goad (10th & 12th grades): ext. 20103
Brittany Wallace (9th & 11th grades): ext. 20102
Students are to observe the following:
- Only EHS students and employees may eat in the cafeteria or Commons Area.
- Place trash in a trash container, and leave tables, chairs, and the floor free of all debris.
- Return food tray to the designated area.
- Cooperate with cafeteria personnel and monitors.
- Food and drink will only be permitted in the Commons or Commons patio area.
- Students may not take food or drink items out of the Commons and into other parts of the building.
- Students who bring sack lunches from home must store their food in suitable containers, and it must remain in their lockers until the lunch period.
- No food from outside vendors may be brought onto the campus for delivery to students
- Students who fail to comply will receive disciplinary consequences.
During one’s scheduled lunch period, the student must be in the EHS Commons or other designated areas of the building. All other parts of the building and grounds are OFF LIMITS.
Student Lockers
The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items, including textbooks. With that in mind, do not bring valuable items or large amounts of money to school. Lockers are owned by the school and may be opened by school authorities at their discretion. Students are responsible for the appearance and condition of their lockers. Nothing can be permanently attached, glued, or stuck on the inside or outside of lockers. Use of magnets inside lockers is acceptable. Sharing of lockers is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action. Students are furthermore permitted to use only their assigned lockers. Only you can prevent theft by locking your lockers and by not bringing valuable items to school. If a problem arises concerning lockers, please see the receptionist in the Main Office. Do not give other students the combination or the key to your lock.
ID Cards
Health Services
The health service offered by the school district is to be viewed as a valuable supporting service. The Health Clinic is the office station for the nurse. The nurse is scheduled to be in our building each day; however, special or emergency needs over the District will cause minor alterations in a set schedule. It is necessary for students to obtain passes from their teachers or administrator before reporting to the nurse. Under no circumstances may a student who is ill leave school without checking with the school nurse or an administrator. The nurse or administrator must contact the parent/guardian prior to the student leaving school. Students may not make their own arrangements to leave school.
Medication Policy
Edwardsville Community Unit School District 7 has adopted a policy regarding administration of medication (including non-prescription medications such as aspirin and Tylenol) during school hours and at school-related events. A student who needs medication to be administered during school hours or school-related events must have authorization from the building principal. A student may possess an epinephrine auto-injector and/or medication prescribed for asthma for immediate use and self-administration at the student’s discretion provided the student’s licensed health care provider and parent(s)/guardian(s) have authorized self-administration through a completed and signed “School Medication Authorization” form, and this form is on file at the child’s school. Please see the building principal or nurse regarding the District’s medication policy and to obtain required forms. The STUDENT INFORMATION FORM is the only source for school personnel to know whom to contact in the event of a serious injury or illness, and exactly how to contact these persons. It is imperative that the information on this form be kept current at all times.
Physical Examinations and Immunizations
Illinois state law requires ninth graders to have a physical examination and all new out-of-state transfer students to have a physical examination and an up-to-date immunization record.
All students must show proof of immunity against mumps, rubella, measles, tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, and poliomyelitis. Immunizations must be current and in compliance with the Illinois Department of Public Health Rules and Regulations. All physical examinations must be recorded on the authorized state of Illinois or comparable form. Students will be excluded from school if examinations are not on file by September 15.
Edwardsville High School does not carry any insurance policy that covers student injuries. Accident insurance can be purchased for any student from insurance companies that specialize in this type of coverage. This insurance is optional except for those students participating in athletics. They must take it or bring a statement signed by a parent/guardian, stating they are adequately covered. It covers students while at school during school hours and on the way to and from school. However, it does not cover students when they are truant.